Smoke & Fire Alarm Installation

Smoke Alarm and Fire Alarm Installation and Servicing
If you’re searching for a first-class smoke and fire alarm installation service, then you’ve come to the right place. Penningtons can advise on and supply the most appropriate smoke and fire alarm system for your home.
An investment in even a basic fire and smoke alarm is a wise choice, so we’ll explain our recommendations and make sure you have enough information to make an informed choice.
As well as being a danger to life, fire and smoke damage can be emotionally devasting, so we always advise a minimum of sensible precautions such as regular fire alarm testing.
Reliable alarms will alert you to danger and give you valuable time to leave the premises when necessary. To add further peace of mind, we can carry out routine fire alarm servicing to make sure devices and systems are working properly.
Penningtons are AICO Approved Expert Installers and Nest Approved Installers.
This means we operate to the highest safety standards and are fully trained in the installation and maintenance of your alarms and detectors.
A mains-powered smoke alarm is usually integrated into the fire alarm system. Furthermore, a battery-powered smoke alarm is inexpensive and usually easy to install.
Additionally, if you are a landlord, you have a legal duty to install smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors in specific places in your properties – and a duty to make sure they function properly through regular fire alarm testing & servicing.
Rental properties
There must be at least one smoke alarm on every floor of the property where any room is used as living accommodation. Furthermore, a carbon monoxide alarm must be installed in any room containing a solid fuel-burning appliance such as a wood burner, coal fire or biomass.
Moreover, on the first day of a new tenancy, you or your letting agent must make sure that each fire alarm installation is in proper working order. You can find more information about this on
Pennington’s is always pleased to give advice and a free estimate
Call 01932 259 620 or Email